Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

Discover Oxford Economics' latest and most popular reports on Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Global Public Goods (GPGs) by clicking the Download button at the right.

Flagship report: MDBs for GPGs

In our flagship report ‘Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods’, commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), we demonstrate how the World Bank and other MDBs can play a key role in preventing and addressing global crises by supporting the provision and protection of GPGs.

Good Practices Synthesis Report

In a synthesis report, we set out 12 recommendations to organisations implementing GPGs to ensure they maximise the benefits on the ground, based on our findings from the analysis of the case studies. These range from using cost-benefit analysis and focusing on projects with high cross-country benefits to helping coordination of in-country provision and encouraging regional learning.

Launch event presentation: How the World Bank can support GPGs

We presented our main findings on how the World Bank in particular can support the provision of GPGs during an official launch event in June 2023. The presentation summarises the main recommendations we have set out for the World Bank to better support the provision of GPGs.

Quantification Tool: How you can approach quantifying GPG externalities

MDBs can play a key role in supporting GPG provision in their client countries but additional incentives may be necessary to support an efficient GPG provision. To produce knowledge products and provide GPG-specific financial incentives to client countries, a better understanding of the economic and non-economic benefits and costs of their provision is necessary. We developed a quantification tool that offers guidelines for measuring GPG benefits and costs, a clear framework for prioritising between GPGs, and the basis for developing project-specific incentives for GPG provision.


Flagship report

Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods by Oxford Economics.

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View of the globe.

Synthesis report

Oxford Economics set out 12 recommendations in a synthesis report to organisations implementing GPGs to ensure they maximise the benefits on the ground.

Global Public Goods launch event.

Launch Event

The launch event presentation in June 2023 highlighted key findings and recommendations for how the World Bank can enhance its support for Global Public Goods (GPGs).

Wind Pattern.

Quantificaton Tool

A quantification tool has been developed to aid MDBs in understanding and incentivizing efficient Global Public Goods (GPGs) provision.
