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Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

ExploRE - Strategic exploration of economic mitigation potentials through renewables

Start & End Date: 2018-2023

Country/Countries: Indonesia

Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: GIZ

Indonesia has committed itself to achieving specific climate goals in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement (COP 21). Under the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Indonesia aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 29 per cent by 2030, or by as much as 41 per cent with international support. The energy sector is expected to contribute to a CO2 reduction of 314 million tonnes. In a joint effort to reach this goal, stakeholders in Indonesia are currently working on a strategy for the deployment of renewable energy technology that will bring both technical and economic benefits.

The project supports the Indonesian government in the dissemination and demonstration through pilot projects of a strategy for cost-effective use of renewable energies (RE). These activities are intended to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through closely linked energy, financial, and planning policies. To achieve this goal, the project advises the responsible ministries on the development financing guidelines for RE and legislation on feed-in tariffs. Besides, the project supports coordination between key ministries and develops financing instruments to promote private investment in RE.

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GPG Theme

Climate and environment

GPG Sub-theme

Climate change mitigation

ODA Sector



East Asia & Pacific

Income Group

Upper middle income