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Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

Food Security and Agriculture Productivity (FSAPP)

Start & End Date: 2017-2022

Country/Countries: Bhutan

Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization

Bhutan is a small landlocked nation located in an ecologically risky area high in the Himalayan mountain range, with diverse ecosystems and one of the highest proportion of forest in Asia. However, the amount of arable land is only 8% of the total land area, while areas under cultivation are only about 3%. Large areas are exposed to monsoons, floods, droughts, landslides, and earthquakes.

FSAPP increases agricultural productivity and enhances market linkages among a target of 52,000 poor people (30 percent women) in select rural districts in southwest Bhutan. The project supports the government's efforts to reduce rural poverty and high levels of malnutrition through climate smart agriculture productivity enhancements for food and nutrition security and to increase farmers’ access to local and export markets, particularly for key high-value crops. It addresses the interconnected problems that farmers and rural households face through a set of integrated, consolidated, area-specific interventions that respond to local constraints, potential, and priorities. The project also supports productivity enhancement of food crops such as rice, maize, potato, vegetables, and pulses and possibly of quinoa, citrus, apples, potatoes, and high-value crops (e.g., spices, especially large cardamom and ginger). Key activities include strengthening producers’ groups, developing irrigation including on-farm sprinkler and drip systems, providing improved agri-inputs and farm equipment, and supporting home-grown school feeding programs.

The project has reached more than 6,500 people, with the aim of reaching 10,400 throughout implementation. FSAPP has equipped 316 hectares with new irrigation and drainage services, provided 1,207 people with improved nutrition services and products, and supported 89 producer-based organizations. The project has completed its planned four major irrigation schemes and is in the process of constructing the distribution networks for each of these schemes; through these major schemes, the project has reached 505 acres with flood irrigation against an end of project target of 1,346 acres. The project also has exceeded its target for area covered with micro-irrigation, reaching 277 acres against an end of project target of 250 acres. In total, the project has provided 608 users with new or improved irrigation services against an end of project target of 4,065. Further, FSAPP has exceeded its targets in providing groups with market infrastructure and market information. To date, it has provided market infrastructure and productive goods to 49 groups. Five major farmer sales outlets are being constructed, one for each district. And, the project has provided 30 farmer groups with market information, reaching the end of project target.

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GPG Theme

Global public health

GPG Sub-theme

Food Systems

ODA Sector



South Asia

Income Group

Lower middle income