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Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

Multi-Sectoral Crisis Recovery Project for North Eastern Nigeria

Start & End Date: 2017-2024

Country/Countries: Nigeria

Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: World Bank

Since 2009, the North East of Nigeria has been affected by the Boko Haram conflict and the resulting military operations, affecting the lives of over 15 million people. The ongoing conflict takes place in a setting characterized by deep poverty, poor social and economic conditions, lack of infrastructure and basic services, poor governance, weak institutions, and high income inequality. The Boko Haram conflict has triggered an acute humanitarian and forced displacement crisis, with devastating social and economic impacts on the population, further deepening poverty and fragility in the North East region.

The objectives of the project are to support the Government of Nigeria towards rehabilitating and improving critical dervice delivery infrastructure, improve the livelihood opportunities of conflict- and displacement-affected communities, and strengthen social cohersion in the North East Participating States of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa; and in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said eligible crisis or emergency. There are four main componentsto the project: (1) strengthening peace building, stability, and social cohersion; (2) infrastructure rehabilitation and service delivery restoration and improvement; (3) technical assistance and program management support; (4) contigent emergency response.

Till 2018, total project disbursements stand at USD132.2 million. The key results of the project include 15,902 households that have benefitted from the distribution of kits of non-food items (NFIs) for life support and basic necessity assistance, 26,535 households that have been reached with farming inputs and non-farming inputs, 201 Peace Groups that have been formed across the states, 13,500 trauma victims that have benefitted from psycho-social support services (PSS) in Borno (Adamawa and Yobe are yet to implement the PSSS component of the project), 782 government officials that were trained in crisis management and recovery skills and 105,738 people (49 percent female) that have benefited from the infrastructure sub-projects (roads, hospitals, schools, WASH facilities and public buildings).

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GPG Theme

Peace and security

GPG Sub-theme

Prevention and limitation of violent conflicts

ODA Sector

Other Social Infrastructure & Services


Sub-Saharan Africa

Income Group

Lower middle income