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Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

Programme for energy efficiency in buildings (PEEB)

Start & End Date: 2017-2021

Country/Countries: Tunisia

Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: GIZ, Agence Française de Développement

Transforming the building sector is essential to fight climate change. The global building floor area is expected to double by 2060. Most new buildings are being constructed in warmer and tropical climates with a high need for cooling. The construction and operation of buildings is responsible for 38 per cent of all energy-related carbon dioxide emissions and consumes 35 per cent of the global final energy. A rapid decarbonisation of the building sector is therefore needed to reach the 2-degree target set out in the Paris Agreement. While there is a great deal of potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through greater energy efficiency, the building sector has so far derived little benefit from climate-related funds. There is a lack of energy efficiency policies offering orientation and security for potential investors. In addition, there is a shortage of technical expertise and capacity for the planning, construction and operation of energy-efficient buildings that conserve resources, or for the modernisation of buildings to improve energy efficiency. In emerging nations and developing countries knowledge about funding opportunities is also often very limited. Progress in the mobilisation of public and private funds for the decarbonisation of the building sector is slow.

The PEEB is a demand-driven and needs-oriented consulting institution that combines the financial and technical knowledge of the German and French project partners. The programme supports the further development of energy efficiency policies in the building sector and the development of incentive systems to mobilise private investment. Specific projects are developed until they are ready for financing and participating stakeholders receive further training for their tasks during the various stages of the development process. The results are prepared and introduced as practical examples into the GABC and other networks. 

As of 2019, PEEB has financed the construction or rehabilitation of two hospitals saving 7,000 t CO2 emissions per year. In order to expand hospital projects in the health sector in Tunisia, PEEB supported the national energy agency ANME in the development of a guide for energy-efficient hospitals and in training.

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GPG Theme

Climate and environment

GPG Sub-theme

Climate change mitigation

ODA Sector



Middle East & North Africa

Income Group

Lower middle income