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Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

Total War Against HIV and AIDS (TOWA) Project

Start & End Date: 2007-2014

Country/Countries: Kenya

Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: World Bank

In 2005, the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in Kenya was still high, but has been on the decline since the late 1990s. Nevertheless, it is clear that HIV and AIDS presented a massive threat in Kenya. While Kenya was considered by UNAIDS as a success story in the fight against HIV, the country was still facing a serious HIV epidemic. There were over 1.2 million Kenyans currently living with HIV, including 156,000 children.

The development objective of the Total War against HIV and AIDS (TOWA) Project for Kenya is to assist Kenya to expand the coverage of targeted Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) prevention and mitigation interventions. This would be done through: (i) sustaining the improved institutional performance of the National AIDS Control Council (NACC); and (ii) supporting the implementation of the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP). The project was implemented by the National AIDS Control Council.

By the end of the implementation period, the project achieved to significantly enhance the prevention (condom usage, counseling, testing, prevention messages, bed nets) and the treatment of HIV (palliative care, public/private sector grants). In particular, 323 million condoms were procured and distributed, exceeding the original target of 168 million and the revised target of 150 million. 5.6 million individuals received HIV counseling and testing services through the project, far exceeding the target of 172,045. 4.88 million youth were reached with HIV prevention messages, far exceeding the target of 348,232. The project supported community mobilization, information, counseling, and testing in traditionally non-male-circumcising communities, providing circumcision or referrals for 10,067 men, surpassing the target of 6,899. More than 7.5 million members of MARPs were reached with behavior change communication, including through 193 drop-in centers specifically targeted at these populations across the country. 12,172 pregnant women/couples were provided with prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services, exceeding the target of 7,725.

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GPG Theme

Global public health

GPG Sub-theme

Preventing the emergence and spread of communicable diseases

ODA Sector



Sub-Saharan Africa

Income Group

Lower middle income