Vietnam Emissions Reduction Challenge Project
Start & End Date: 2017-2020
Country/Countries: Vietnam
Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: AgResults Initative Fund (World Bank)
Current rice farming practices in South and Southeast Asia produce significant amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG), particularly non-carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions including methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These compounds are potent contributors to global GHG emissions that drive climate change-related extreme weather events, including droughts and floods. Smallholder rice farmers contributing to these emissions, including those in Vietnam, are particularly vulnerable to climate-related shocks.
The AgResults Vietnam GHG Emissions Reduction Challenge Project was a four-year, US$8 million prize competition that aimed to develop, test, and scale up innovative technologies, tools, and approaches to increase yields and reduce GHG emissions in rice production. The project planned to lower GHG emissions, protect the environment, and ultimately reduce poverty among smallholder farmers in the region. Focusing on the Thai Binh province in the Red River Delta, the project used results-based prize incentives to attract a diverse pool of private sector actors, and was conducted in two phases. SNV Vietnam served as the Project Manager.
25,000 smallholder farmers were reached within the project. Their income increased by 12%. In total, 2.85 million prize funds were awarded.