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Multilateral Development Banks for Global Public Goods - Good Practices

Eskom Just Energy Transition Project

Start & End Date: 2022-Ongoing

Country/Countries: South Africa

Multilateral Institution(s) Involved: World Bank

Case Study: Available

To mitigate climate change, a transformation in energy production needs to take place. One driver of this transformation is the decommission of fossil power plants and their replacement by renewable energy sources. In South Africa, the power sector accounts for 41 percent of the whole CO2 emissions of the country.

The strategic goal is to decommission the Komati coal-fired power plant, which generates significant CO2 emissions. To secure energy production and employment opportunities, renewable energy sources are to replace the decommissioned fossil power plant. THis transformation is suppoosed to be conducted by ESKOM, which is the operator of the power plant and is the institution intended to lend the credit.

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GPG Theme

Climate and environment

GPG Sub-theme

Climate change mitigation

ODA Sector



Sub-Saharan Africa

Income Group

Upper middle income